Newly Uncovered John Lennon Letter May Reveal True Reason The Beatles Split
It certainly wasn't an uncommon occurrence to have The Beatles' greatest hits streaming through my house growing up… and that awesome tradition still lives on today.
My Sunday mornings wouldn't be complete without rolling out of bed to Q104.3's “Breakfast With The Beatles.” OH, and you can't forget the aroma of mom's delicious pancakes and bacon sizzling on the griddle.
Homemade pancakes (low-key drowning in syrup) + The Beatles = one happy me, and the cherry topping to each and every weekend.
I actually loved The Beatles to endless amounts.
For real though, I used to have the biggest teenybopper crush on Paul McCartney. #SorryNotSorry.
Even though the iconic, unparalleled band broke up back in 1970, their epic legacy and music has lived on. It will continue to do so.
To this day, I still stand by my opinion there is no band that compares to The Beatles. They were truly one of a kind.
According to Business Insider, a newly uncovered John Lennon letter might reveal the real reason The Beatles split up.
The letter is undated and starts off with “Dear Linda and Paul” (referring to Paul McCartney and his wife Linda). It also features handwritten annotations throughout.
RR Auction is apparently auctioning it off for an approximated price of $20,000 or more.
The first paragraph of the letter begins speaking to Linda, saying, “I was reading your letter and wondering what middle aged cranky Beatle fan wrote it.”
Lennon even discusses all of the negative vibes resulting from his romance with Yoko Ono.
He penned,
I hope you realise what shit you and the rest of my 'kind and unselfish' friends laid on Yoko and me, since we've been together.
The letter ends with, “Love to you both, from us two.”
Here's John Lennon's letter in full to read below:
Citations: An uncovered John Lennon letter reveals the bitter breakup of The Beatles (Business Insider)