JoJo Fletcher Says A Chipotle Burrito Bar Is 'Crucial' For Her Wedding
JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers have made zero wedding plans with the exception of a Chipotle burrito bar, and that's all the proof fans needed to know these two aren't just two cold, yet flawless claymation creations.
During an interview with Womanista, the “Bachelorette” star said she's less focused on setting a date and more focused on spending time with her brand-ass-new fiancé.
She told the site,
We are still in the process of figuring it all out — we talk about it often but haven't decided on location, when, etc yet. To be honest, we love this period right now where we get to be stress free and actually date and be with each other in a more normal setting, so we have just been soaking that in!
Regardless of when the wedding takes place, guests already have unlimited guac to look forward to.
JoJo vowed,
This is crucial: a late-night Chipotle mini burrito bar for guests as they are leaving.
Traditionalists worried JoJo and Jordan will fray the fabric of classic matrimony with their big, soft tortillas and their shredded cheeses can calm the F down.
There will also be flowers.
The 25-year-old confessed,
I am big on floral arrangements.
SEE? Besides, the Js are unlikely to walk down the aisle any time soon. JoJo says they're still "learning what [their] 'new normal' is."
She added,
I think we both thought that once everything was over things would be how life was pre-bachelorette, but we've learned that date nights or random trips to the store aren't exactly the way it was before. We are so lucky to have such amazing people that support us and are completely overwhelmed by the love we receive when we are out — but it's definitely an adjustment receiving that sort of thing together now.
A support system is so necessary when starting a family, but be careful who you trust, JoJo and Jordan. From now on, anyone close to you could just be angling for some free after-party burritos.
Citations: Womanista Exclusive: JoJo Fletcher Talks Love and Life After 'The Bachelorette' (Womanista)