JoJo Fletcher And Jordan Rodgers' Epic Chipotle Hack Changes The Burrito Game
We already know JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers define couple goals to the utmost level.
Really though, could they be more adorable?! Both of their Instagrams are chock full of, well, straight-up goals.
And now, we also know they're hardcore burrito lovers. We can totally RELATE, JoJo and Jordan. Burritos are life.
But we're not just talking about your typical kind of burrito here.
There's a v. delicious catch, so pay close attention, and try to keep it together with this news I'm going to drop.
The couple went on a cute Chipotle date for breakfast, and oh snap, did they change the way you'll order your burritos from now on.
Chipotle for breakfast just got a major upgrade thanks to JoJo and Jordan.
It looks like Jordan was p. disappointed the beloved restaurant chain did not serve, of all things, breakfast burritos.
He took to Snapchat to say,
So Chipotle doesn't have eggs, so I brought eggs for a breakfast burrito. Chipotle, take notes.
Once Jordan opened up his container of scrambled eggs, things took a scrumptious turn…
Shoutout to Jordan for being a total boss and casually making his own burrito at Chipotle like it's NBD.
It seems like JoJo was getting a kick out of all of this like the rest of us, as you can hear her cracking up in the background of her Snapchat story.
Does this look amazing or what?! Major noms. This breakfast burrito is complete with cheese and the works.
Jordan took the most incredible selfie with his finished masterpiece.
He wrapped up his Snapchat with,
World's first breakfast burrito made at Chipotle. #ChipotleHack.
OK, Jordan. I definitely think it's clear you defined #BurritoGoals with your rad Chipotle Hack.
BRB guys, going to hit up Chipotle for a breakfast burrito real quick.
Citations: JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers Dress Up As Power Rangers, Invent 'World's First' Chipotle Breakfast Burrito (Entertainment Tonight)