Josh Duhamel Dropped The NYE Ball For Cinco De Mayo And The Pics Are Magical
Something beyond magical took place in Times Square last night to kick off Cinco de Mayo in epic fashion.
Or, shall I say, “Corona de Mayo.”
If you were navigating through the hustle and bustle of the city streets below, you probably didn't even know what was taking place 363 feet above the pavement at One Times Square.
As urbanites peaced out of work and headed to a bar to sip and savor, Corona hosted an event of their own overlooking the city to commence Cinco de Mayo a day early.
Real talk: Corona knows how to host the most epic happy hour around town.
Ice cold bottles of Corona took over the bar (obviously), while delicious empanadas and festive fare was served on a delightful spread.
Josh Duhamel mingled among partygoers to ring in Cinco de Mayo with an epic #LimeDrop.
For those who aren't in the know about the Lime Drop, it was way bigger than the lime you drop into your Corona each time you crack open a bottle.
Last night, the iconic New Year's Eve Ball was transformed into a lime... literally.
Half of the massive ball was lit up to resemble a neon green lime wedge, making history as the first time it's ever been dropped other than during New York City's NYE celebrations.
Here's our main man of the hour, Josh Duhamel, initiating the ball drop with a Corona in hand (as it should be done).
Duhamel revealed,
I can't think of a better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo than with an ice-cold Corona. Generally, I'm a drop the lime in, turn the bottle upside down kind of guy, but this Lime Drop steps my game way up!
When walking up the steps to the top of the skyscraper, and seeing the massive Times Square Ball in front of me, I felt as though I was on top of the actual world.
The view is unparalleled from all the way up.
I touched the ball — and it was absolutely spectacular.
For real though, I never wanted to wash my hand AGAIN. What a way to kick off Cinco de Mayo 2017.
So, the final point here is, are you *ready to fiesta* with Corona this Cinco de Mayo?