Justin Bieber Confirms He Peed His Pants With Hilarious 'Billy Madison' Meme
A new paparazzi video appears to show Justin Bieber walking through a parking lot in Los Angeles after peeing his pants.
No, this is not fake news. This is very real news, and we now have confirmation from Bieber himself he actually did pee his pants. It wasn't just a coincidence his crotch region was soaked.
It is, in fact, urine, folks.
The 22-year-old star took to Instagram following the news to confirm he did actually pee his sweatpants by sharing a hilarious meme, which reads, "You ain't cool... unless you pee your pants."
Who knew JB would be such a good sport about something so damn embarrassing? The maturing of the Biebs is no longer a myth.
The hilarious split-image meme shows Justin Bieber sporting a pair of $400 piss-soaked Vetements sweatpants alongside a still from the 1995 film "Billy Madison" starring Adam Sandler.
The rumors are true! Justin Bieber confirmed reports he did actually pee his pants after posting this hilarious meme.
Here's the classic movie scene he's referring to.
For those of you looking to further investigate Bieber's sweatpants (or pee-pants, rather), suit yourselves.
I know this is completely ridiculous. I mean, there are just so many fucking questions. Like, why exactly did this guy pee his pants? How was he able to stay so calm and even talk on the phone the entire time?
Why would he immediately go and purchase a smoothie after peeing his pants? Was there not a restroom in the establishment in which he bought the smoothie?!
The questions are endless.
Overall, I think there is an important lesson to be learned here...
No matter how bizarrely expensive your sweatpants are and no matter how insanely rich you are, these "golden" tragedies can happen to anyone -- even someone with eight bathrooms nestled in the Hollywood Hills.
Update: Late Thursday night, Justin Bieber tweeted out the REAL reason for the embarrassing wet spot on his sweatpants.
Yeah, he insinuated that he peed his pants just to make us all laugh. #ThankYouJB