Kanye West Returns To Twitter To Explain Why He Met With Donald Trump
Kanye West tweeted for the first time in nearly two months to respond to his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday morning.
In a series of tweets on Tuesday afternoon, the 39-year-old rapper wrote,
I wanted to meet with Trump today to discuss multicultural issues... These issues included bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums, and violence in Chicago... I feel it is important to have a direct line of communication with our future President if we truly want change.
He ended the series of tweets with "#2024," implying he will wait to run for president of the United States until after two terms of Trump.
Previously, Kanye has campaigned to run for president in 2020.
Kanye was seen walking into Trump Tower early Tuesday morning, causing much criticism from fans of the rapper.
After the meeting, both Trump and Kanye met with reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower.
Trump told reporters he and Kanye had met to discuss "life" and that the two had been "friends for a long time."
Kanye ignored questions about his own presidential campaign and questions about Trump's inauguration, telling reporters,
I just wanted to take a picture right now.
It looks like Kanye felt compelled to make a public statement on the meeting, however.
Based on Kanye's statement, it sounds like he mainly discussed eduction reform with the president-elect.
Recently Trump nominated Betsy DeVos, a billionaire who is known for pushing charter and private schools at the expense of public education funding, for education secretary in his cabinet.
So, will Kanye save us all from the death of public schools? I'm not holding my breath.
According to a report from E! News, the two men met to discuss Kanye becoming an “ambassador of sorts” in an “entrepreneurial leadership role.”
Maybe Kanye won't be performing at Trump's inauguration after all.