Kim Kardashian Low-Key Responded To Taylor Swift's Album News With This Move
Taylor Swift has been posting videos of a snake on Twitter and Instagram all week as part of a PR campaign for her new album, Reputation, coming out Nov. 10. People have been calling Swift a snake ever since Kim Kardashian exposed her on Snapchat last year, so these snake videos seem to be Swift reclaiming the word for herself. The Kardashian/West family hasn't flat-out responded to the videos, but it looks like Kim might've done so secretively. It seems that Kim Kardashian blocked the snake emoji on Instagram. I wasn't even aware that was something a person could do.
But apparently it is, and Taylor Swift used the feature to block the snake emoji on her own Instagram comments last year. Yup. The world has come full circle. The last time Kardashian said anything about snakes was on the fan-created National Snake Day (July 17) when she tweeted, "Wait it's legit National Snake Day?!?!?They have holidays for everybody, I mean everything these days!" followed by a bunch of snake emojis. Fans dubbed July 17 National Snake Day because it was the day Kardashian exposed Swift on Snapchat about her knowledge of the lyrics about her in Kanye West's "Famous."
Yesterday, Aug. 23, Kardashian spent the day tweeting about Kimoji sales and her beauty line. On Instagram, she spent the day posting beauty videos. But you'll notice that on Twitter, a lot of Swift fans have replied to her tweets with a bunch of snake emojis, but on Instagram, there are barely any snake emojis in sight. It looks like some snake emojis slipped through the cracks before Kardashian blocked them from her comment section.
The feature Swift and Kardashian have now both used to block the same emoji (life is a flat circle) is something all of us can use. In the comments section of the settings section on your profile, you can turn on a quality filter that weeds out any offensive comments, and the feature also allows you to block certain phrases. This includes emojis. So if Taylor Swift wanted, she could block people from saying "Kim Kardashian exposed you" in her comments section. And it looks like Kardashian did this same exact thing with the snake emoji. This is the world we live in.