Where Were You The Night Kim Kardashian Exposed Taylor Swift On Snapchat?
You were there. I was there. We all were there the night Kim Kardashian leaked the video of Taylor Swift talking to Kanye West.
On July 17, 2016, Kim K blew our minds by releasing footage of hubby West chatting on the phone with Swift about his now famous song, "Famous."
Pop culture has never been the same since.
The drama all started when West rapped the lyrics, "I made that b*tch famous," and Tay-Tay was like, "I would like to be excluded from this narrative blah blah blah blah..."
Then, the plot thickened when Kardashian released a video of Kanye and Swift on the phone with each other, suggesting that Swift was tuned into Kanye's plan, and was actually playing the victim.
Woof. Fans now refer to this day as National Snake Day.
For me? I know exactly – and by "exactly," I mean I vaguely recall – where I was. I was sitting on my sh*tty wooden floor, in my sh*tty apartment, thinking how sh*tty it is to be financially unstable, when I somehow caught wind of the drama.
I remember feeling severe FOMO and scoured the internet depths to immediately find the footage. I think I actually found a link to a link to another link to the video.
I told my roommate, "OMG. This whole thing is happening!" and then we both went back to watching The Real Housewives Of New Jersey because that's real drama, you guys.
I personally don't have huge loyalties on either side of this fight. I think Kim Kardashian is a crazy-good business woman, and Taylor Swift makes music that is catchy as hell.
I also think it's possible Swift genuinely thought Kanye might not be an asshole, but I suppose it's also possible she is a PR mastermind and has been playing the ultimate victim ever since Kanye "let her finish" at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
Here, fans reveal where they were on Snake Day, and also a few of their true feelings on Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.
It ruined date nights.
"I got a text from my friend about Kim K exposing Taylor Swift while I was out to with my boyfriend. Being the celebrity-obsessed editor that I am, I read the news, jumped on Twitter and proceeded to read out hilarious tweets to him the entire night. He didn't think it was as legendary of a moment as I did." – Tina
It made for great work conversation.
"I found out when I got to work the morning after it happened. I didn't particularly like Kim K at the time, but I've never liked Taylor Swift, not even a little bit, so this was the funniest thing in the world to me and it was the first time in my life that I appreciated Kim. I remember asking one of my co-workers if she had seen the videos and she said, 'Yes, and now the world will know Taylor for the snake she is,' and I died. Then other people on our team were defending her and saying she's a victim blah, blah, blah (she's not), and me and that other co-worker were just looking at each other like 'Taylor Swift is a snake.' We knew, and now the world knows." – Kelli
It disrupted the most sacred thing of all: sleep.
"THIS WAS THE WORST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. I was taking a nap and then woke up because I knew something bad was happening in my dreams. I could feel it. I checked Snapchat and saw the videos of Kanye West's phone call with Taylor. GIRL WAS EXPOSED AF. I remember opening up Photobooth with one eye closed because I was nervous Kim would delete them, so I sat there in my bed – tired, sweating, pantless – and recorded Kim's Snapchats on Photobooth. I immediately went on Twitter to see if the world was seeing what I was seeing. Was it all a dream? Did I make this sh*t up? BUT NO, IT WAS REAL, AND I WAS IN MY BED WHEN IT ALL WENT DOWN. I ended up sleeping like 45 min that night because I had to cover it for work, lmao, so screw you, Kim. BTW, I still have those ugly videos of me holding my phone up to my computer on Photobooth. They are now part of history and will be buried in my casket." – Katie
There were no safe spaces.
"OK, mildly gross, but I was on the toilet when I watched the Snapchats and obviously wound up staying there way longer than I needed to because I couldn't bring myself to look away from my phone for a second for like half an hour. After that, I think I just texted everyone I knew, tweeted like 30 jokes, and added an extra prayer to Kim in my nightly ritual worship of Kris Jenner." – Dylan
It was the video heard around the world.
"I was in London waking up at 5 a.m. to texts from [a friend] about it and running around trying to pack and get to the airport and also figure out what the hell happened!" – Kelsea
It shocked and delighted.
"It seemed like an ordinary Sunday night. I had gotten back from a family vacation that morning so I was still adjusting to real life, was trying to get myself together for the week ahead, and was finally ready to go to sleep after a long day of travel. I decided to scroll through Twitter before shutting my eyes, since I hadn't been online in a week, when I saw people freaking out about the new episode of KUWTK. I immediately started looking online to see what had happened and was thrilled to see Kim had called Taylor out on the show. Then, when I thought that was all, a friend texted me: LOOK AT KIM'S SNAPCHAT. I started watching her stories and went from gasping (out loud, alone in my apartment) to cheering, excited that finally, Taylor would be exposed for playing the victim and making our lord and savior Yeezus look bad. It felt like fate that Kim waited until I was back to do this and I spent the next two hours reading everyone's reactions and texting most of my friends, before finally going to bed more content than I've ever been." – Sam
And at least one person didn't care at all.
"I was masturbating." – Anonymous
I think we'll just go ahead and leave it at that.
Happy Snake Day, America!