Kourtney Kardashian's Ab Workout Will Get You A Sick Six-Pack In 2017
If you don't gain weight during the holidays, did you even celebrate?
By the time December 31 rolls around, I'm 25 pounds heavier and look like Violet Beauregarde after she turns into a blueberry in "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory."
If you're like me and currently have a layer of flab covering your mid-section, then take a seat and listen up because Kourtney Kardashian is about to whip our asses into shape.
On her app, the 37-year-old mother of three (yes, she popped three babies out of that bod) shared how she tones her abs and glutes.
The star uploaded a video of her and Steph Shep doing kettlebell deadlifts and squats to get the ultimate six-packs.
If you want abs that will glisten through your New Year's Eve dress and permanently blind your ex, then Kourt's got you covered.
Before you learn the belly-fat-burning moves, you better hit up your local Modell's and buy some supplies.
According to Kourtney Kardashian, you'll need the following:
Got it? Good.
The first workout was the kettlebell deadlift. I just had to Google "kettlebell" to know WTF that means. If you've never used one, it's basically a weight with a handle.
According to Kourtney K's app, the kettlebell deadlift works your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.
Coach Joe (the bald guy in the pic) told Kourtney it's important to alternate moves.
He suggested you do four sets of 30 seconds with the kettlebell while a resistance band is wrapped around your legs.
Cool, well, that sounds like more exercise than I've ever done in my life. Joe, are you trying to kill me? I have a family, you know.
Coach Joe also says it's important to arch your lower back and keep a slight bend in the knees.
The motion is simple -- you just lean forward and rise back up.
He also gave a tip for those who want to make things a little more challenging.
Kourtney Kardashian then moved on to her second move: squats on a bosu ball.
To nail this move, Coach Joe says to keep your knees in line with your toes and your feet shoulders width apart.
Then, you just bend and do your best to find balance. IT'S SO SIMPLE! *stuffs cheeseburger into mouth*
Our babe Joe gave another tip for this move.
Joe baby says to go strong for 30 seconds and then take a 30-second rest. You repeat the move four times.
Here's a recap of Kourtney Kardashian's ab workouts, just in case you weren't paying attention.
Thanks for showing us how it's done, Kourt. You can watch the entire workout video on her app.
Citations: Kourtney Kardashian Ab Workout (Kourtney Kardashian)