This Restaurant Actually Serves The Meat Dress Lady Gaga Wore To The VMAs
How is that possible, you ask? Lady Gaga wore her infamous meat dress to the MTV Video Awards six years ago. That meat must be rank.
This is how:
(Cue audience reaction of "Ooooohs.")
Finally. I have always wanted to eat that dress.
A Chinese hot pot restaurant offers this Gaga-esque Barbie, where the meat slices are removed and cooked at the table in hot oil until the doll is completely nude.
The dress, originally designed by Franc Fernandez and styled by Nicola Formichetti, was meant to draw attention to the US military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which lasted until September 20, 2011. It was made of real raw beef.
Gaga went on "Ellen" to explain,
It's certainly no disrespect to anyone that's vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I'm the most judgment-free human being on the Earth. It has many interpretations, but for me this evening it's, 'If we don't stand up for what we believe in, if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones.'
Fernandez said that he bought 50 pounds of matambre, a thin cut of beef that is sort of like a flank steak, from his family's butcher.
The dress ended up weighing about 40 pounds and, if you were wondering, Lady Gaga said it didn't smell bad, but rather kind of sweet.
Delicious and trendy!
Citations: You Can Now Order Lady Gaga's Meat Dress for Dinner (Elle)