Forget 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians,' Lamar Odom Is Getting His Own Show
Returning from the brink of death is no easy feat, and doing it while struggling for sobriety is doubly intense.
So why not throw the crippling pressure of constant nationwide supervision into the mix? Love it.
A source recently told PEOPLE the former Laker and current estranged husband of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star Khloé Kardashian has a reality show in the works set to air in 2017.
The source said,
The show will be about his life, recovery — all about him.
Last October, Lamar's infamous overdose at the Love Ranch, a Nevada brothel, led to kidney failure, weeks in a coma and months of recuperation and physical therapy.
Now, the 37-year-old has checked into a rehabilitation center and "plans to stay for 30 days" despite "not abusing drugs when he went in," according to the source.
The substance abuse program is merely a "precautionary measure" to keep Lamar "clear and focused."
The source added,
With the divorce from Khloé being finalized and the holidays coming up, he doesn't want to slip up. He's trying to take care of himself. He really wants to be better... His friends and family encouraged him to go in and he agreed and made the decision.
Khloé is currently keeping busy with new boyf Tristan Thompson, the Cleveland Cavaliers center whom she joined on a trip to the Cleve in November.
Upon her return to California, Koko visited "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and gushed about the sweet anonymity Cleveland offers.
The 32-year-old said,
It's so funny, the first week I was [in Cleveland] – me and my friends – we went to the gym and we went to Target and we were in the car and they were like, 'Don't you like it? There's no paparazzi here!' … And I was like, 'I love it! No one even notices me!' Then I get out of the car and someone was like, 'Oh my God, you should get paid to be a Khloé Kardashian lookalike, you look just like her!' And I was like, 'You're so right, I should!' But why would someone think I'm at a Target in Cleveland? No one would think that!
Who in a million years would have expected Safe Haven Numero Uno for any Kardashian to be a Cleveland-area Target?
Ohio works in mysterious ways.
Citations: Lamar Odom to Star in New Reality Show 'About His Recovery': Source (PEOPLE)