Mark Ruffalo Perfectly Responds To The Sexist Questions Women Get Asked (Video)
Of all the cast members of "The Avengers," Scarlett Johansson is the one who usually has to put up with sexist questions while promoting the film.
But, the people at Cosmopolitan decided to change things up and ask Mark Ruffalo some of the questions typically reserved for ScarJo.
Cosmo UK's Claire Hodgson asked Ruffalo about his red carpet outfits, his diet and his exercise routine. Based on his answers, there seems to be much less pressure on Ruffalo to look good than there is on Johansson.
ScarJo was also there with Ruffalo to give him some moral support during the question and answer session.
Check out the interview above.
Citations: Mark Ruffalo Answered The Sexist Questions Scarlett Johansson Typically Gets During Press Interviews (Huffington Post)