Orlando Bloom Has Been Instagramming For Over A Year And Nobody Knew
I guess Orlando Bloom was tired of not getting any likes, because today he "caved" and finally made his Instagram account public.
Soon Orlie will be rolling in the likes because in the time it took me to just write this sentence, he gained over 30k followers (and by the time you're reading this, he probably has way more).
Even though today's the first day he got the blue check mark, it turns out the 39-year-old actor has been 'gramming for over 59 weeks (or one year, if you don't speak in Instagram time).
Presumably only close family and friends knew about the account — although apparently Katy Perry didn't make the cut, since she has yet to follow her boo back.
*Crowd goes "ooooohhh!"*
A lot of his old posts still don't have very many likes or comments.
So let's take a quick look at the kind of things Orlando Bloom shares with the internet when he thinks no one is watching.
1. A severed doll head
2. A picture of him hugging an elephant
3. A ragged Miss Piggy doll
4. A urinal with urine in it
5. A Ninja Turtle doll caught in barbed wire
So what I'm getting from this is Orlando Bloom really likes dolls.