
These Gorgeous Photos Of Actresses Without Photoshop Make A Powerful Statement

by Taylor Ortega

The 2017 Pirelli Calendar debuted in Paris on Tuesday, and the 14 actresses who grace its pages represent what photographer Peter Lindbergh considers “ a different kind of beauty.”

At the calendar's international press launch, Lindbergh explained,

I wanted to show women in a different way: I did this by asking actresses who have always played an important role in my life and to try and get as close to them as possible through my photos. As an artist, I feel I have a responsibility to free women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. Society's ideal of perfection is impossible to achieve.

Truer words, Pete. Truer words.

For those of you interested in celebrating a broadened beauty standard, below are some sneak peeks at the pages of the 2017 Pirelli Calendar.

For those of you tired of discussing women's looks altogether, below are some ~natural~ captions penned by Elite Daily's resident big-time idiot: me.

Julianne Moore? Phenomenal. You're a breathtaking bird of paradise, perched on a branch and surveying her kingdom. Fly, bird. Your kingdom will be here when you return.

Lupita Nyong'o? Flawless. You're a calming midnight wind, sweeping over America's plains, tossing up swirling dust and…what's that? Secrets? Tell us Earth's secrets, wind.

Uma Thurman? Jaysus. You're a powerful lioness, standing eye-to-eye with a hunter, pleading with only your soul windows: “Leave, hunter. Leave my land and my little lion babies.”

Nicole Kidman? Oofa. You're an enchanting freshwater angelfish, fluttering through the water and daring us to follow you into whatever dark corner of the Amazon basin captures your attention. Ready or not, here we swim.

Robin Wright? Get outta here. You're a rose. Your fragile stem wilts naturally under the weight of your strong, sweet petals. The whole garden smells of you and your kind. Stay alert, beautiful rose, for the spider mites.

Jessica Chastain? Outrageous. You're a precious pupa, awaiting the finale of your metamorphosis. Soon you will emerge a stately beetle, embracing the smells and terrain of this Earth with your graceful antennae. Rest, pupa, for a wide world awaits you.

Pirelli is a company that makes tires and, once annually, calendars.

Citations: 2017 Pirelli Calendar: See Unretouched Photos of Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore and More Actresses (E! News)