
Sam Smith Dropped "Too Good At Goodbyes" & You'll Sob In The First 3 Seconds

by Kelli Boyle
Frederic J. Brown/Getty Images

Sam Smith is BACK, BABY. I can just hear every Target in town running out of tissues. Sam Smith's "Too Good At Goodbyes" dropped Friday, Sept. 8, and it's exactly the kind of heartbreaking tune we all expected from the "Lay Me Down" singer. Oh, Sam, you sweet, precious angel of darkness who soothes my soul and simultaneously crushes it with your velvet voice and gut-wrenching lyrics, you have unraveled me yet again.

Smith sings,

Every time you hurt me The less that I cry Every time you walk out The less I love you Baby, we don't stand a chance It's sad, but it's true

My heart is already breaking. He continues,

You must think that I'm stupid You must think that I'm a fool You must think that I'm new to this But I have seen this all before No way that you'll see me cry I'm way too good at goodbyes

Smith first announced the upcoming release of "Too Good At Goodbyes" on Thursday, Aug. 31 on Instagram in an emotional letter penned for his fans. The post read,

First of all I want to say thank you. Thank you for being so patient and for letting me have the past year to really escape into my mind & write music so freely. I feel so rejuvenated and have so many stories I can't wait to tell you. I have missed you all desperately, and a day hasn't gone by when I haven't been looking at all your comments & dreaming of singing with you all again. The wait is so nearly over. Something is coming very very very very soon. I am scared & excited at the same time. I've poured my soul and heart into this record. Love you all, and see you in the not so distant future.

Since that post a week ago, we've gotten so many teasers about the new single. Smith posted billboards in London and New York with the single's release date, and posters with the lyrics to the new song have been plastered all over the place. Smith even gave us the name of the single and its cover art in an Instagram post this week.

We also got a beautiful video of Smith and a chorus of people singing "Too Good At Goodbyes" in what looks like a recording studio. This song was hyped up, people, and Smith wanted everyone to know he was back and better than ever.

And now, we have "Too Good At Goodbyes." What a time to be alive. In the days following his announcement that new music would be coming soon, fans instantly assumed the fetal position, getting ready for the fateful moment the song was delivered to us from the voice of an angel.


Yes. Yes, to all of these emotions spilling all over Twitter.

This is Smith's first single since 2015, when he dropped "Writing's On The Wall" for Spectre, which ended up winning an Oscar. His last full album In The Lonely Hour was released back in 2014. It's been too long without you, Sam.

Earlier this year, Metro UK reported that Smith's new album would be coming out this September 2017, and it would be titled TPH-50HR, which stands for The Pink House, 50 Heydon Road. It's reportedly a reference to the house he grew up in. That's like, now, so maybe we'll be getting the full album sooner than we think?

But, even if it's just the song, I feel whole again. Just like all Sam Smith music, I wasn't ready for this. I will never be ready for this. Mess me up, Sam. Mess. Me. Up.