Shailene Woodley Spoke Out After Arrest With Some Instagram Poetry
An arrest won't stop Shailene Woodley from standing up for what's right.
The 24-year-old "Snowden" actress has been making headlines after she publicly protested against the Dakota Access Pipeline and was arrested for trespassing in the process.
The plans for the pipeline 1,172-mile pipeline would allow oil to flow through Canada, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois and Iowa.
In addition to inflicting a negative impact on the environment, the proposed pipeline, which costs around $3.8 billion, would disrupt the land belonging to Native American tribes like the Standing Rock Sioux.
As a matter of fact, it would destroy sacred sites belonging to the tribe, as well as contaminate the water 8,000 reservation residents consume regularly.
While protesting, Shailene Woodley, along with 27 other people, was arrested by police. The actress had been protesting alongside 200 other people who stood against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
So, what did Shailene have to say after she was released by law enforcement after being arrested for trespassing? The 24-year-old actress posted an Instagram photo with a deep, poetic caption.
The caption read,
One day, baby, we'll sing our poetry. The words dripping from our tongues wet with ripened patience. And the lyrics, the sweet fruits born from the seeds our aging hands are now sowing.
Here's Woodley's post-arrest Instagram post.
She also captioned the post with #NoDAPL and #ProtectCleanWater. It's safe to say that an arrest can't get Shailene Woodley down -- especially when she's standing up for what's right.
Her Instagram post was a great follow-up to her past posts regarding her protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
You're an inspiration, Shailene!
I mean, what's not inspiring about someone fighting for a cause that might not even directly benefit them if the battle is won or lost? Not to mention, you're willing to stand on the frontline and even get arrested.
You're a hero!
Citations: Shailene Woodley Breaks Her Silence After Being Arrested While Protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline (Entertainment Tonight)