Taylor Swift's 'LWYMMD' Zombie Transformation Video Is Awesome Halloween Inspiration
Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you know that the old Taylor Swift is dead. In her place, roams a scary T. Swift zombie, battered, tattered, and cynical, pushed to the brink by her haters, the media, and Kanye West. The whole story arc of pop princess turned grave-digging ghoul can been seen in the singer's music video "Look What You Made Me Do" – but possibly the more interesting part of the transformation is getting to see it happen in real time. A video of Taylor Swift being turned into a zombie has hit the internet, and it is honestly the best Halloween inspiration out there right now.
If you have yet to watch "Look What You Made Me Do" (or, you know, haven't had it on continuous replay like *ahem* some of us), the video opens in a graveyard, with a zombie version of Swift clawing her way out of the ground. The dead version of the singer is a far cry from the shiny haired, red lipstick-ed T. Swift we've all grown accustomed to – but that's exactly the point. There are a lot of metaphorical reasons for the zombie transformation (unfair representation in the media, Kim Kardashian being sneaky, etc., etc,) but let's just focus on how it technically happened, because the whole process is kind of amazing.
Here's a quick look at Taylor Swift being turned into the undead.
Now, let's slow it down and do a play-by-play, in case being Zombie Taylor Swift for Halloween is now your #1 priority.
Step #1: Start out barefaced and find some very loyal, patient friends who are up for the makeover task.
Step #2: Paint your face totally white.
Step #3: Airbrush on some spooky cracks and dents (or just use a paintbrush – we don't need to get all high-tech here).
Step #4: Add some brown age spots all over.
Step#5: Paint on some ultra-dark eyeshadow.
Step #6: Throw on some super creepy blue contacts.
Et voila!
It's too bad that we never really got Swift's take on this crazy transformation, or on the music video itself. Aside from social media, the singer has kept pretty mum about her new album and hasn't done the whole traditional, promotional press tour.
BUT, Todrick Hall did open up to Entertainment Tonight about being a back-up dancer in one of the scenes – and just how secretive Swift was about the whole thing. He said,
We became BFFs, and then she called and said, 'I'm working on this project that's super secret but I know I can trust you. Will you not tell anyone. And I didn't tell anyone. It was the best! It felt like Christmas came early because when it came out my phone blew up more than it ever has before. Everybody was freaking out about it. It's such an epic and iconic video to be a part of. I think it was shot in May. And it was a huge secret to keep and it was very difficult … It speaks volume of what type of person Taylor is, that she could have all those people on set and then it not leak.
Now, if you loved the video, definitely want to pay homage to it on Halloween, but aren't really feeling the whole Zombie Taylor thing... there are still plenty of other options.
You could be Taylor Swift doing Lemonade.
Taylor Swift playing the Kim Kardashian-inspired snake-y version of herself.
Taylor Swift as a dominatrix (?) lording over her #squad.
Taylor Swift right after Kanye West leapt on stage and ruined her acceptance speech.
Taylor Swift circa "You Belong With Me" era (which, on a personal note, was quite possibly the best era).
Bonus points if you can get some more people in on this and have them dress up as T. Swift's ex-boyfriends. "I <3 T.S." shirts will be mandatory.