Will From 'The Bachelorette' Defends DeMario Jackson On Instagram: "#freedemario"
Bachelorette contestant Will Gaskins has spoken out in defense of DeMario Jackson after news broke yesterday that the Warner Bros. investigation into the "misconduct" during Bachelor In Paradise filming didn't reveal any proof of misconduct.
No charges will be filed, and Bachelor In Paradise will continue filming soon.
ABC said in a statement to Elite Daily yesterday,
We appreciate the swift and complete investigation by Warner Bros. into allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise. Given their results, the series will resume production, and will air this summer on ABC.
Bachelor In Paradise Season 4 production was put on hold after a reported "incident" occurred while filming. The incident was believed to be of sexual nature and reportedly happened between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson, who were both allegedly under the influence at the time.
Warner Bros. released a statement about the investigation yesterday:
As we previously stated, we recently became aware of allegations regarding an incident on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico. We take all such allegations seriously. The safety, security and well-being of the cast and crew is our number one concern, and we suspended filming so that the allegations could be investigated immediately and thoroughly. Our internal investigation, conducted with the assistance of an outside law firm, has now been completed. Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident. We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member. Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy. Production on this season of Bachelor in Paradise will be resuming, and we plan to implement certain changes to the show's policies and procedures to enhance and further ensure the safety and security of all participants.
Olympios' lawyer, Martin Singer, said in a statement to ET that Warner Bros.' findings "comes as no surprise" and there will still be an independent investigation. He said,
It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crew members on the set. It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone. It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrongdoing had occurred. Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard.
Now that the Warner Bros. investigation is complete and ABC announced BIP will resume filming for Season 4, Will Gaskins has posted on his Instagram defending Jackson. (Gaskins is currently a contestant on The Bachelorette.)
In the post, he said,
So I have largely tried to stay out of the drama; both during my time in the house as well as after my time on the show came to a close but this issue has been one that I have been following closely. I'm glad that from abc's perspective this matter is closed and that is certainly a step In the right direction. But that is not the end of this story. A lot of conversation has gone back and forth and accusations have flown regarding consent and the ability to give it, primarily from one direction. However one thing which has been largely absent from these headlines is the fact that by all accounts of those present both parties were willing participants in whatever it is that happened that day. And in fact there were multiple other people with whom one party engaged in some type of physical contact with that day but it wasn't until The black man got into the mix that this was deemed as no longer acceptable. We can lie to ourselves and say that race isn't a factor here and pretend that it doesn't affect our day to day lives but it's just that, a lie. It has hurt me these past few weeks seeing someone who I consider a friend get dragged left and right. None of you got to know or see Demario the way that those of us in the house did; if you had you would know that he is one of the most straight forward and caring ppl you could ever care to know. Those first few days he went out of his way to get to know everyone, take time to make sure that some of the guys who may have been having a hard time dealing with the stresses of the day to day of being on the show felt comfortable and at ease. Nobody got a chance to see that side of D, yes he's loud, yes he's a little obnoxious, and yea he should have clearly broken things off with that other woman before pursuing Rachel. but to those who know him he's also the guy you can call when you are in need and he will be there for you to listen, give advice or just make you laugh and crack a smile. I hope that in the coming days, hours and months that he will continue to be vindicated of any wrongdoing and his name will no longer be associated with such a despicable act. Rant over.....for now #freedemario
Gaskins isn't the only member of Bachelor Nation to come out in defense of Jackson.
Yesterday, Raven Gates got in an intense Twitter fight with users who were accusing her of treating Olympios badly after she said she was "a victim." Gates continually argued that none of the users were present at the incident and that Jackson was innocent.
Jackson has reportedly been invited back to appear on Bachelor In Paradise.
On June 14, DeMario gave E! Online the following statement about the allegations against him:
It's unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated this past week with false claims and malicious allegations. I will be taking swift and appropriate legal action until my name is cleared and, per the advice of legal counsel, will be seeking all available remedies entitled to me under the laws.
Corinne also released a statement to TMZ on June 14. She said:
I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4. Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production. As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality. As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.
It is not yet known if Olympios will be returning to Season 4 of Bachelor In Paradise.