Holy Sh*t! Zac Efron's Younger Brother Might Be Hotter Than He Is (Photos)
Ladies, ladies, ladies: I have a treat for you.
Last night, Hollywood hunk extraordinaire Zac Efron posted a photo to Instagram.
Sure, any of Zac's photos naturally receive at least a few hundred thousand likes, but this photo was special.
It features a shirtless Zac (drool), and his shirtless younger brother, Dylan, also made an appearance.
Panties dropped. Girls fainted. Sh*t got real when that pic went live.
The photo was simply tagged “#brothers,” but as Cosmopolitan points out, there are several other hashtags that would be far more fitting for a photo of this caliber.
Something like “#WeGotItFromOurMomma” or “#WhosInForAThreesome?”
Sadly, it did not say any of those things.
But it's still a wonderful, delightful, drool-worthy picture, so without further ado, I present to you: The Hottest Brothers Who Have Ever Lived (plus a few bonus pictures of Dylan alone, for good measure).
*Praising hands emoji*
Here's Dylan with some family...
W/ Uncle, Cousin #Traveling New day New year pic.twitter.com/KkkZecfsnY — Dylan Efron (@DylanEfron) January 4, 2014
With some chick...
#Tourist #visiting #traveling pic.twitter.com/MHhTtr7R4E — Dylan Efron (@DylanEfron) August 16, 2014
Graduating (from college, I hope)...
...and just being his hot self.
check out what I just found older picture with @zacefron #dylanefron pic.twitter.com/G2bxiaD6Tj — Dylan Efron (@DylanEfron) November 10, 2013
Here he is... somewhere.
And here he is back in the day.
He was cute then, and he's cute(r) now.
Where do we get one?
Citations: Zac Efrons Little Brother Dylan Is Just As Hot As Youd Imagine (Cosmopolitan)