Here's What Happened With Each Jewish Matchmaking Couple After The Show
A certain someone is engaged!
Netflix’s dating shows don’t always have the greatest track record, but there are always some surprises that sneak through. Perfect Match didn’t end up delivering on its name, and most of the Love Is Blind couples break up after the show... except for in the latest season which actually created multiple happy marriages. So, where does Netflix’s new romance-making project fall in terms of success rate? Jewish Matchmaking didn’t end with any updates on where its couples are at after the show, so here’s the rundown of who stayed together, and who called it quits.
Matchmaking extraordinaire Aleeza Ben Shalom offered up her services to help a group of single Jewish people find their future spouse without having to swipe through the apps or pray for a random meet-cute. Matchmaking has a long and important history in Jewish culture, in which the arranged marriage system known as Shidduch has helped forge strong couples with shared values. But things don’t always work out. In the first season of Jewish Matchmaking, some dates showed great promise, while others ended in disaster. Here’s what happened to each couple that met on the series after the show ended.
Ori and Karin
Ori’s impossibly high standards were difficult to meet, but Karin seemed to be the one to finally get through to him. However, it doesn’t look like they remained together after filming. Karin’s Instagram reveals that she’s been traveling the world solo or with friends ever since Jewish Matchmaking, while Ori is still based in L.A.
Fay and Shaya
Here’s one couple that we don’t have to guess about. Fay and Shaya officially ended things after the show, which was confirmed when Shaya proposed to another woman.
Dani and Shaun
Dani and Shaun showed some great promise, but sadly, things didn’t last. Shaun has begun dating a woman named Katie following the show, confirming that he and Dani are no longer an item.
Stuart and Pamela
Stuart became a fan favorite for his laugh-out-loud one-liners, and it was looking like he would find love when he started dating Pamela. It’s not totally clear what their status is now, but it doesn’t look like they kept seeing each other after the show. They don’t follow each other on Instagram, and The Cinemaholic even reported that they used to be Facebook friends, but have since unfriended each other, so it looks like they went their separate ways.
Harmonie and Ben
Harmonie entered the matchmaking process with all the optimism in the world, and Ben seemed like a great fit for her. The couple has not confirmed whether they kept dating after the show or not, but Harmonie seems to suggest she’s single in some recent Instagram posts, and she doesn’t follow Ben, so they may have broken up.
Noah and Tav
Noah and Tav definitely had some chemistry brewing on their date, but they have not yet revealed whether they stayed together after the show or not. However, it feels a bit unlikely, given that Noah lives in Israel and Tav lives across the globe in Arizona. Plus, some fans think Noah may have a spark with his Jewish Matchmaking costar Cindy.
Cindy and Daniel
Cindy and Daniel had a bit of a bumpy ride, and they do not follow each other on Instagram following the show, so it seems safe to assume they are not dating.
Nikysha and Evan
Another unclear, but probably unsuccessful situation. Nikysha and Evan ended Jewish Matchmaking stating they were hopeful to continue things, but Nikysha is still living in Kansas City and Evan is in North Carolina. They also don’t follow each other on social media.
Noah and Ophir
Neither Noah nor Ophir has revealed their relationship status post-show, but their complete lack of interaction on any social media (they don’t even follow each other) suggests they didn’t continue dating.
So, while a few of these relationships are still murky, it looks like none of the Jewish Matchmaking couples wound up finding their match on the show. Hopefully Season 2 has some better luck!