Now You Can Listen To All Of DJ Khaled's Motivational Snapchat Sayings On SoundCloud
Look, by now, if you don't follow DJ Khaled on Snapchat I don't really know how to help you.
By actively choosing to not follow Khaled you are literally missing out on a nearly daily dose of awesome. Every time Khaled sends a snap he also sends along a little bit of wisdom such as, "Enjoy life man, live it up," and "The key is to have every key." We know, it's deep.
Sometimes, however, it takes Khaled way too long to upload, "another one," so we are left waiting to learn about the right cocoa butter to use.
So instead of waiting, one amazing soul took the time to piece together all of Khaled's inspirational sayings and uploaded the track to SoundCloud so we can all listen to them over and over again.
Whenever you need a little motivation, just listen to the track below.