Emily Is Prob Getting A New Love Interest In Part 2 Of Emily In Paris S4
Everything’s changing so fast.
Emily and Gabriel’s relationship has been stronger than ever in the first part of Emily in Paris Season 4, but don’t expect that to last. Fans already think they’ve uncovered Emily’s next crush, who will potentially create yet another messy love triangle for her to figure out. And the revelation also seems to confirm Alfie may officially be a thing of the past.
Spoiler alert: This post contains spoilers for Emily in Paris Season 4, Part 1. After just a few episodes of the new season of Emily in Paris, Alfie disappeared from the show. He made his breakup with Emily clear in the premiere, convinced she still had feelings for Gabriel, but he himself was not over their troubled romance. His final appearance was at the masquerade ball, where he poured his heart out to a woman he thought was Emily, but turned out to be a masked lookalike. After baring his soul, he saw Emily leave the party arm-in-arm with Gabriel, and with that, it seemed like Alfie’s story may have come to an end.
And a recent casting announcement is adding fuel to the rumors that Alfie may have exited the series for good. Netflix revealed that Emily will travel to Italy in Part 2 of Season 4, where she will meet a man named Marcello, played by Eugenio Franceschini.
Not much is known about Marcello yet. He’s described as “direct, confident, and values simplicity. He’s substantive but never flashy — true to the roots of his family’s company.” The brief summary is enough to hint that he’s about to become a big part of Emily’s life. The mention of his family company all but confirms Emily will be working with him in Part 2, and one look at Franceschini’s character is guaranteed to make anyone swoon.
If Marcello really is about to be Emily’s new love interest, it’s even more of a clue that Alfie is probably not going to return to the show. Unfortunately, it seems his and Emily’s on-again-off-again fling has run its course, and now Emily will have to choose between an exciting new guy and her longtime crush Gabriel as her love story continues in Part 2, which will drop Sept. 12 on Netflix.