Eric From 'The Bachelorette' Is The Unsung Hero Of The Season
You'd think it'd get easier to keep track of the guys on The Bachelorette as the season goes on, but it seems to me every week new ones pop up.
For example: this guy Eric. He's one of the many vying for Rachel Lindsay's heart, but I didn't really know much about him. According to his ABC bio, he's a 29-year-old personal trainer.
You might remember him from last Monday's episode, as the guy who spelled "facade" with a "P-H." (But hey, he didn't need to know how to spell facade to also nab a kiss from Rachel.)
You may also know him as the guy who lost his sh*t and screamed "MY NAME IS IN YOUR MOUTH!" in Episode 3. Eric Bigger is a man of many layers.
But who is Eric outside of the The Bachelorette editing and goading?
1. He's Very Ripped
I think that's part of the whole "being a personal trainer" thing.
2. He Loves ~Inspirational Quotes~
I think that might also be part of the whole "being a personal trainer" thing.
3. He Makes Motivational Videos
His advice includes such stunning revelations like, "the facts are the facts," "you are what you are," and "you get what you give."
4. He Has An Adorable Niece And Nephew
I have no snark for this. It's cute.
5. He Does "Cryotherapy"
"My body froze in sub zero temperatures." Eric, this seems dangerous???
6. He Takes The Winter Months In Style
Now how can I convince my boyfriend to swap out his puffy winter jacket for this one Eric's got on?
7. His Aunt Is Verna Myers
Verna Myers is a diversity consultant and Harvard Law grad who gave a TED Talk on overcoming biases.
OK, I don't have anything snarky to say about this either. That's pretty dang cool.
I have a feeling we'll be getting to know Eric even better over the next coming weeks on The Bachelorette.