You Can Relive Every 'Game Of Thrones' Death From Season 6 In One Video
In case you weren't already feeling shitty enough about the fact the seventh season of "Game of Thrones" will have a later start date in 2017 and be shorter than each of the previous seasons, you now have a new reason to cry your eyes out.
Thanks to YouTube user Valar Morghulis --- yeah, I know -- you can now relive every major "Game of Thrones" death from season six in one convenient video.
Yup, from the High Sparrow and everyone in the Great Sept of Baelor to Lord Walder Frey at The Twins, there isn't an important season six death missed in the above video. You're obviously going to watch every major player who bit the dust in Westeros this past season, but let's still list the deaths for shits and giggles, shall we?
Major deaths in season six of "Game of Thrones":
The High Sparrow Margaery Tyrell Loras Tyrell Mace Tyrell Kevan Lannister Lancel Lannister Other sparrows and septas Lords and ladies in the Great Sept of Baelor Grand Master Pycelle Doran Martell Areo Hotah That cat who tried to run in the gardens in Dorne Trystane Martell Osha Balon Greyjoy Ser Arthur Dayne (via flashback) Roose Bolton Leaf Rickon Stark Tommen Baratheon Belicho Paenymion Razdal Mo Eraz Walder Frey Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun Ramsay Bolton Hodor
From Smalljon Umber to the three-eyed raven, make sure you pour more than a few out this summer in remembrance of all those we lost in season six of "Game of Thrones."
Why didn't Rickon at least try to zigzag?
Oh well.
Citations: All Death Scenes In Season 6 Game Of Thrones (YouTube)