The Beast Is Fugly In New 'Beauty And The Beast,' But He's Gorgeous IRL
The new live-action "Beauty And The Beast" movie is only a few months away, so we should probably start mentally preparing for it right now.
The gorgeous and flawless and perfect Emma Watson (Can you tell I'm a fan?) will star as Belle, while the handsome Dan Stevens plays the Beast.
Now, let's talk about Danny boy for a quick sec.
You see, a lot of people on social media are PISSED at how his character's costume turned out.
Entertainment Weekly shared some exclusive still photos of "Beauty And The Beast" and people were not OK with how "ugly" the Beast looked.
Be our guest for an exclusive first look at @Disney's magical and romantic live-action #BeautyAndTheBeast! https://t.co/jniafxmEpV pic.twitter.com/xaIGIdc8EA — Entertainment Weekly (@EW) November 2, 2016
I'M NOT EVEN JOKING. Some Instagram users thought the Beast didn't look as cute as he did in the animated movie.
Uhhhh, he's supposed to be a fucking BEAST... remember? WTF WERE YOU ALL EXPECTING?!
So, while people were crying over the real-life Beast's uggo face, I was in bed staring at sexy pics of Dan Stevens.
The Beast might not be cute in the movie, but GOD DAYUMMMMM, Danny boy is hot AF in real life. Come to mama.
Sorry Belle, you're gonna have some competition this time around. Dan Stevens is the total package and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make him mine.
Like, I'll fucking kill you.
Haha, just kidding!
Dan also used to have a beard that made him look even sexier. AND DO YOU SEE THAT HEAD OF HAIR? I feel weak. Somebody catch me before I collapse.
WHAT A SEXY BEAST. Haha, get it? Beast. Like his movie role.
Honestly, this may be the most stunning and artistic thing I've ever seen in my life.
Dan Stevens, thank you for blessing us with your beauty. I can't wait to slobber all over the movie theater when I watch you on the big screen.