Ramsay Bolton From 'Game Of Thrones' Was Hiding This Incredible Talent
When you think of "Game of Thrones" star Ramsay Bolton, you think of a sadistic, torturous, murderous individual. He was so good at being bad, it's hard to imagine the actor who portrayed him (Iwan Rheon) playing anyone else in the future.
However, if you've heard Ramsay – I mean Rheon – speak in interviews, you'll know he actually appears to be a cordial dude you'd have no problem grabbing a beer with.
I know: It's almost impossible to believe.
According to this latest report, it appears Ramsay Bolton's greatest talent wasn't torturing and killing. Instead, it was playing the guitar and singing with the voice of an angel.
Check out this 2012 video of Rheon performing "Follow Me" on Air Roundhouse Radio:
Come on. Seriously, Ramsay?
I wrote a while ago about how we're going to miss Ramsay Bolton on "Game of Thrones." But after watching these videos, I'm starting to believe it even more.
Is your mind blown? Is your world a little rocked right now?
Well, here's one more Ramsay Bolton surprise for you to feast your eyes on. Ladies and gentlemen, check out the official music video for Iwan Rheon's "Bang! Bang!"
What is life?
Citations: Ramsay Bolton Is Actually The Ed Sheeran Of Game Of Thrones (Refinery29)