The Grey's Fall Finale Promo Hints A Main Cast Member May Not Make It
Another tragedy is coming to Grey Sloan.
Hello, my name is stressed. After a fairly easy go of it in the first few episodes, the Grey’s Anatomy Season 19, Episode 9 promo promises to ramp up the intensity in a big, scary way. Start prepping the tissues now, because if the dramatic voiceover is anything to be believed, a classic fall finale tragedy is coming to Grey Sloan Memorial.
Warning: Spoilers for Grey’s Anatomy Season 19, Episode 5 follow. Right up through the final moments of Episode 5, viewers were probably expecting the next episode’s promo to be all about Meredith’s decision to move her family to Boston (!). I mean, if she actually goes through with this — and it sounds like she’s pretty set on it — this would change the entire essence of the show as fans know it. The best cast scenario if Mere moves is that the show could split its time between Seattle and Boston like it did when she was working on Parkinson’s research in Minnesota. Worst case? Meredith is gone from the show forever, which seems more likely considering Season 19’s focus on a new class of residents and their personal lives.
However, no part of this bombshell is addressed in the promo for the Nov. 10 episode. Instead, the preview is all about a big lightning storm that’s going to affect the doctors of Grey’s Anatomy as well as the firefighters of its sister show, Station 19.
Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 often find ways to cross over on landmark episodes — such as a fall finale — and a major weather event is the perfect(ly terrible) way to bring together the doctors and firefighters. If past crossover episodes are any indication of what to expect, fans should prepare for a high-stakes, action-packed ep that will likely end on a cliffhanger for fans to worry about until the shows return after a short break off air.
One moment from the promo in particular indicates this is going to be a rough episode: when the voiceover says that tragedy will “strike one of our own.” Um, that’s very ominous. So far, there’s no hints about who the tragedy will strike, but with Grey’s Anatomy, it’s safe to prepare for the worst, just in case.
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.