EXCLUSIVE: There’s A ‘Hamilton’ Porn Parody Called ‘Hamiltoe’ In The Works
If it exists in the world, there is a good chance it has been spoofed and parodied into the porn version of itself. This is one of those undeniable and inescapable facts the web has sort of been built on.
Some people refer to this occurrence as “Rule 34,” while others just view it as an odd side effect of the internet's singularity -- like how famous internet dogs make more money per year than most school teachers, or that guy from the "Numa Numa" video being asked, “Wait, are you that guy from the 'Numa Numa' video?” anytime he has a serious job interview.
WoodRocket, a company that has billed itself as porn's answer to "Weird Al" Yankovic with parodies like “Gnardians of the Galaxy” and “Fap To The Future,” is proving that theory true one more time with the announcement it is currently in production of “Hamiltoe,” the porn version of the Broadway mega-hit “Hamilton.”
Yup. This is happening. Someone tell Lin-Manuel.
In an exclusive press release given to Elite Daily, WoodRocket Founder Lee Roy Myers said,
'Hamiltoe' will be revolutionary. It will be the first hip-hop porn musical spoofing a Broadway show, celebrating a historical figure. And it will have anal sex.
"Hamiltoe" is being directed by Myers and produced by Seth's Beard, who was behind the cultural touchstone "Strokémon."
It is also being written by Elite Daily's Eitan Levine.
Oh! By the way! Hi! I'm Eitan Levine! Follow me on Twitter? (I'm not sure how to seamlessly introduce myself like this.)
I wrote "Hamiltoe." People will be fucking to my words in a few days when this thing gets shot. Yes, this is the most bizarre experience I've ever been a part of, and yes, I could not be more thrilled this all happened.
This project was literally something I pitched as a joke for an article like a month ago that somehow got approved and then made its way up the food chain until this point.
There is going to be a larger article about my experience coming out, as well as a documentary chronicling the journey, but we all wanted to let you know this thing was happening.
Stay tuned!