House Of The Dragon's Intro Music Has Twitter Feeling All The Nostalgia
GOT fans are weeping.
House of the Dragon Episode 1 may have rubbed fans the wrong way with its some of its overt callbacks to the original Game of Thrones series — I mean seriously, did they really *need* to reference the White Walkers roughly 200 years before they would come to invade Westeros? But Episode 2 had an even more on-the-nose GOT tie-in, and yet fans actually loved it. The memes about House of the Dragon copying the Game of Thrones theme music for its opening credits show how just the right touch of nostalgia will get fans totally on board.
During its eight-season run, Game of Thrones became well known for its opening credits — not just because the title sequence was long AF, but also because the theme song (simply titled “Game of Thrones Theme”) absolutely slapped. So, when House of the Dragon Episode 1 premiered without a full title sequence, all eyes were on Episode 2 to see what HBO would do next.
The answer, it turns out, was to simply repurpose the GOT theme for the new show, alongside a new sequence of stunning visuals.
While it usually seems like Game of Thrones fans’ instinct is to criticize (and to be fair, the final season of GOT left *a lot* to complain about), this time around, that wasn’t the case. Rather than getting heated over the new show falling back on an old staple for its intro, Twitter erupted in memes celebrating the callback and basking in all the nostalgia.
OK, OK — there were *some* jokes about HBO essentially copy-pasting the GOT theme onto House of the Dragon. But even still, they were pretty light roasts, which is something of an incredible feat for this fandom.
It’s been a long time since fans got to hear the GOT theme song, so having it pop up once again on a Sunday night felt, in a way, like coming home — that is, if your home is a giant castle filled with bloodthirsty relatives and surrounding by fire-breathing dragons.
House of the Dragon continues Sunday nights on HBO and HBO Max.