
Hugh Laurie Can't Get Rid Of The Limp He Developed To Play Dr. House
by Adam Pliskin
20th Television
Hugh Laurie is best known for his role as Dr. Gregory House on the former Fox show "House."
On the show, House was infamous for his gruff ways and his perpetual limp.
Well, it seems although it's been three years since Laurie played Dr. House, he can't totally rid himself of the limp.
Laurie said when he works on other projects, the limp will occasionally pop up.
He said,
I can't remember any of the lines at all but when 'action' is shouted I start limping. I'm like a dog that's been prodded with electrodes.
Laurie is currently guest starring on HBO's "Veep."
Perhaps if you look close enough, you might be able to see him limping across the screen. Probably not, though. He is a professional, after all.
Citations: Hugh Laurie Cant Shake Limp He Developed To Play Dr House (Inquisitr)