
Jessica Biel Says Her Son Silas Is A 'Ham' Just Like Justin Timberlake

by Taylor Ortega

Silas Timberlake isn't a diehard fan of his dad Justin's music, but he thinks sneezes are hilarious because even babies know how to prioritize.

When the 1-year-old's mother, actress Jessica Biel, recently spoke to the "Today" show, she told correspondent Sheinelle Jones,

He's a ham, just like his dad, serious ham. He thinks everything is funny. He thinks sneezing is really funny. Like, he's in that moment where it's like, bodily function is really funny.

Despite the world's long-held obsession with Justin Timberlake, Silas isn't his father's number one devotee just yet.

Biel continued,

He likes Erykah Badu and he likes Stevie Wonder. He likes to groove… we listen to a lot of daddy… you know, he hasn't really seen him on stage or anything like that and I think once he sees that and connects that dot, then when we play the music I think he's gonna realize, 'Oh…that's daddy up there.'

*dramatic, attention-seeking sigh*

That's the luckiest kid in the whole dang world.

Citations: Jessica Biel steps out for an Italian lunch after revealing son Silas 'is a ham' just like his daddy Justin Timberlake (Daily Mail)