John Legend Just Slayed Donald Trump's Son On Racism In One Simple Tweet
John Legend is not pulling any punches when it comes to his feelings about GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
After hundreds of protesters showed up at Donald Trump's rally in Chicago on Friday night — forcing the presidential hopeful to cancel the event — the politician's son took to Twitter to mock his father's many opposers.
Trump Jr. — who, judging by his tweet, seems to be as out of touch with reality as his father is — claimed the demonstrators had no legitimate reason to protest.
But John Legend disagreed.
Responding directly to the younger Trump, Legend shut it down by pointing out:
I think they were protesting your racist father.
When a Trump supporter then attempted to undermine Legend by claiming he must be uneducated, the R&B singer hilariously pointed out that, in fact, he and both Trumps share the same alma mater.
Check out the glorious exchange below (and, in case you're wondering, no — Trump Jr. could not come up with an adequate response to Legend's fantastic burn).
.@DonaldJTrumpJr I think they were protesting your racist father. This isn't complicated. — John Legend (@johnlegend) March 12, 2016
.@DanielT03571138 @DonaldJTrumpJr the Donalds and I graduated from the same University, funny enough. — John Legend (@johnlegend) March 12, 2016
Citations: John Legend just schooled Trump's son on racism (Mashable), Donald Trump's Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles (NY Times)