15 Signs Your Justin Bieber Obsession Has Gone Too Far
Until recently, Beliebers had it rough.
The general public had mixed emotions on Bieber: Was he adorable? Was he annoying? Was he a troublemaker?
As a Belieber, you've always stood by JB's decisions no matter what.
From crashing his ATV into a minivan and egging his neighbor's house, to getting into a tiff with Orlando Bloom, you always knew the day would come when the rest of the world would finally side with your favorite Calvin Klein-clad pop star.
Well, fellow Beliebers, that day is here.
The world officially loves Justin Bieber (but not as much as you).
Here are 10 signs you might love Justin Bieber a little too much:
1. You have expressed an inappropriate display of emotion over the fact that you will probably never meet Justin Bieber.
You get choked up every time you listen to “I'll Show You” and hear Justin sing, “you act like you know me, but you never will.”
2. You spend far too much time dreaming up ways to meet Justin.
With Bieber meet and greets costing upwards of $2,000 a pop, you've found yourself Beliebing on a budget.
Maybe if you start hanging out near pianos in hotel lobbies, you'll be lucky enough to have a JB run-in.
3. Your newsfeed is constantly filled with videos and photos of Justin.
Bieber is notorious for Instagraming up a storm. He's probably the only person who can break the Golden Rule of never posting two Instagrams in the same day without getting unfollowed.
Between all of the Bieber parody and fan accounts that you follow, there probably isn't a photograph of Justin that you haven't seen (and saved to your camera roll).
Yes, this includes any and all leaked nude photos.
4. You sometimes leave creepy comments on his Instagram.
It's basically like you're actually flirting with Justin Bieber.
5. You get genuinely stressed when it comes time to decide which shirtless Bieber picture to make the lock screen on your phone.
I once had a stress dream that I finally met Justin Bieber and he asked me what time it was.
I clicked on my phone to check, and he was totally creeped out when he saw this:
Sorry, Biebs.
6. You feel upset when someone else talks about how much they love him.
You're constantly torn between wanting everyone in the world to appreciate him as much as you do and wanting to be his number one fan.
Hearing someone else talk about how much they love Justin is like a stab in the heart.
7. You're afraid you might never love a significant other as much as you love Justin.
You still haven't ever experienced butterflies as intense as the ones that flutter around your stomach every time you find a new acoustic version of “Sorry.”
8. You're not sure how you feel about the whole Jelena thing.
Like, you really want to marry him, but you also want him to be happy.
Seeing Justin heartbroken over Selena breaks your heart, too.
9. You're jealous of Halsey.
Why was Justin seen leaving his AMAs after-party with Halsey?! Why was their "Today Show" performance so intimate?!
Let's just hope it's because they're both really dedicated to their music.
10. You've always been into tall guys, but now you find yourself getting defensive when someone calls Justin Bieber short.
Being 5'9” was once a nightmare. Now, you're realizing it would just make it easier to stare into his beautiful brown eyes.
11. When a non-Justin Bieber song plays, you get legitimately pissed.
You don't care if “Love Yourself” isn't most people's ideal song to rage to.
It's so totally rude of the DJ to ignore your request!
12. You have multiple remixes of “What Do You Mean?” in your library.
How many different versions of "What Do You Mean?" do you have that feature Ariana Grande?
Because I have three.
13. You support all of Justin's fashion choices.
Yeah, you swiped left on that guy wearing a trucker hat on Tinder, but only because Justin looks really hot in them.
14. You can accurately calculate how old a photo of Justin Bieber is based on his tattoos.
OMG. Is this photo of Justin and Selena recent? *checks bellybutton.*
Nope, doesn't look like there's a “Purpose” tattoo there, it's an old one.
Nice try, tabloids.
15. You're far beyond trying to hide your obsession.
You're a Belieber and you want the world to know.
Maybe you should get a t-shirt or something.
Citations: Justin Bieber Phone (Imgur), Justin Bieber Instagram Comment (Imgur)