Justin Bieber Asks Fans At Concert Not To Touch His Beloved Yeezys
Justin Bieber is constantly in the spotlight. He's the center of attention, even when he's not. And over the course of the last few months, the Biebs has pulled a few stunts that show him to be a little on edge.
After walking out of an interview in Spain and walking off stage during a performance in Norway, Bieber seems to be trying to prove a point: He doesn't take any sh*t.
It was during a surprise performance at LIV nightclub in Miami last night that Justin had to remind fans to keep their hands to themselves -- not to mention, never to touch another man's Yeezys.
At least he remembered his manners!
Since the release of his latest album, Purpose, the 21-year-old has been owning the charts and winning over the love of even the most unlikely fans. The people love some Justin Bieber, no matter how touchy he gets!
Citations: Justin Bieber -- Miami Crowd Gets LIV-e!! (TMZ)