This Is How Much Kim Kardashian Has Gained During Her Second Pregnancy
The miracle of life is endlessly astonishing.
Even as a woman capable of one day growing another human inside of one-third of my body, the entire concept seems outrageous.
Despite pregnancy and childbirth being fascinating/horrifying biological marvels, people continue to focus on a mother's weight gain during gestation.
Kim Kardashian West, of course, is no exception.
Bullied by the press for her weight prior to the birth of her daughter North, Kardashian West has kept an eye on her weight during her current pregnancy with her second child.
On Tuesday, the reality star tweeted an update, vowing to get her butt in gear after the birth of her son.
Frankly, acting as a live incubator for another living being seems taxing. Crazy, excessive weight gain is never healthy, but weight gain during pregnancy is a fact of life.
Kardashian West can continue to pack on pounds leading up to her delivery, and I'll still be impressed when her obstetrician pulls a baby out of her body like a rabbit from a hat… or, rather, a rabbit from another rabbit.
Citations: Kim Kardashian Tweets About 52-Pound Pregnancy Weight Gain (Complex)