Kim Kardashian's Spotify podcast 'The System' is now available to stream worldwide.

Kim’s True Crime Podcast About An Ohio Triple Homicide Is Out Now

She’s chronicling the case of Kevin Keith.

by Chris Malone Méndez and Michele Mendez
Originally Published: 

Kim Kardashian has been knee-deep in legal studies for several years as she pursues her dream of becoming a lawyer. She’s also a savvy media personality, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she’s now combined these two careers for a new project. On Oct. 3, Kim launched a new Spotify Original podcast: Kim Kardashian's The System: The Case of Kevin Keith. According to a press release, the show centers around Kevin Keith, an Ohio man serving a life sentence for a triple homicide that his family claims is a wrongful accusation.

Kim first announced the podcast in a Sept. 6 cover story for Interview. “The first season is about a really crazy case where a guy got the death sentence for a triple homicide that happened in Ohio,” she explained. “There are so many twists and turns with how it was handled — or mishandled — and we take the listener along for a journey in search of the truth.”

The first two episodes of The System dropped on Spotify on Oct. 3, and new episodes will be released every Monday. “I heard about this case 3 years ago and have been questioning it ever since,” Kim tweeted following her podcast’s launch. “Join me to learn more about Kevin Keith’s story on my new podcast, The System.”

As Kim details in an audio teaser for her show on Spotify, Keith was charged with three murders in 1994 without questioning by police. According to The Columbus Dispatch, Keith was originally sentenced to death, but his conviction was commuted to life without parole. The Columbus Dispatch also reported Keith has repeatedly and unsuccessfully appealed his sentence.

“There’s so much to explore here, and it’s my goal to take you with me on this path,” Kim said in her podcast preview. “I want you to make your own determination, but I think you’ll be surprised by what you hear.”


Spotify also created a resource page for The System that will be updated each week with information regarding the case, including episode transcripts, access to court documents, and other materials referenced in the series. Spotify also teamed up with two criminal justice reform organizations: Color Of Change and Calling All Crows.

Prior to the podcast, Kim has worked as a prison reform activist, specifically advocating for the commutation of sentences for non-violent criminals. Kim documented her advocacy, as well as her law school efforts, on Season 1 of The Kardashians.

She told Interview how she first began her work for prison reform. “I thought, ‘Okay, I can handle [pardoning] low-level drug offenses, that I can resonate with.’ But if someone was killed — I didn’t know I could get behind it until I was brought to a women’s prison,” she said. “Their stories were all very similar. They all committed a crime for their boyfriend, or for their husband. I mean, I probably did some dumb sh*t at some point and I was maybe just a few decisions off of being in a similar situation, any of us could be.”

“Once I saw how broken the system is, I couldn’t stop. I have to help as many people as I can,” she continued. “These people are thrown away and put in prison and no one cares. It’s so heartbreaking.”

The System is now available to stream on Spotify.

This article was originally published on