Kylie Jenner Named Her Latest Lip Kit Color After One Of Her Sisters
D'awwwwwwwwww, Kylie!
A few months ago, Kylie Jenner did the entire world a big solid and started selling her own personal line of lip products.
For the first time in history, your lips could finally stop looking like sloppy face noodles and start looking like beautiful, contoured Hollywood mouth frames previously only possible with the help of science and Kris Jenner's DNA.
On Thursday, Kylie released her sixth shade in the kit and titled it as an homage to another member of her family.
There you have it! Koko, which is Khloé's nickname, will join Mary Jo, Posie, True Brown, Candy and Dolce K in the Kylie Lip Kit shade family. The whole mishpucha is together at last!
This isn't the first time Kylie used something personal to name a shade from her lip kit.
Mary Jo is the name of her grandmother, who's seen here being straddled by Kylie near a fancy pool.
Dolce K is named after an old, anemic-looking dog she used to have.
Citations: This Is Kylie Jenners Final Addition to Her Lip Kit Collection (Cosmopolitan)