Alex and Tim on 'Love Is Blind' Season 7

Love Is Blind’s Tim Calls Engagement To Alex A “Toxic Situation”


by Hannah Kerns

Love Is Blind Season 7 hasn’t finished airing yet, but the reunion is already shaping up to be drama-filled. On Oct. 18, Tim Godbee posted a lengthy, shady statement about his breakup with Alex Byrd — and he did not hold back. The couple fell in love in the pods, but things got tense IRL. Still, when Tim dumped her only two days after meeting her father (and officially asking for his blessing), he surprised Alex and everyone watching.

During their breakup conversation, Tim listed out his issues with Alex, including her taking a nap while his parents were visiting and not being communicative over text. Though these seemed like surpassable obstacles, Tim was set in his decision to end things, telling Alex he could not see himself marrying her and never wanted to see her again.

The scene was tough to watch, and fans were quick to weigh in on Tim’s behavior. But now, Tim is addressing the critics — and no, it doesn’t sound like he regrets anything. “When love, authenticity and respect are consistently met with lack of effort, constant antagonizing and lack of respect for your physical and mental space, it must be met with firm and unmistakable terms,” he wrote on Instagram.

Tim also seemed to put the blame on the show’s edit. “There is much left out from our story, some of which out of an attempt to protect something I once held dear,” he wrote.

“I am far from a perfect person. I make mistakes and fall short of glory as often as others,” Tim continued. “I don’t expect everyone to love or agree with what I have to say, but I have to display an amount of respect for myself and my family if it is not given by others. Meet people where they are.”


In his statement, he called back to an earlier concern he expressed. According to him, he rarely argues — so if he’s in a situation with fighting, he’s quick to leave. “I have never argued with someone with the amount of consistency I did as with this experience,” he wrote on IG. “Many of which I did my best to keep off-camera. Through hours of tough conversations that weren’t seen, I made the decision to remove myself from what felt like a toxic situation where I was being manipulated and given no serious effort from my partner.”

Tim also accused Alex of a “lack of accountability and sincere self-reflection that one should do when they subject anyone to such consistently mean spirited treatment, let alone to someone you claim to love.”


Apparently, Tim is not on speaking terms with Alex. “I hate that my attempt to find love ended in a situation where I can’t even be friendly with a person I used to love because we live in what feels like two different realities,” he wrote.

“To frame me as an angry or controlling person is a projection of all the stereotypes I have to work against because of what I was born into this world as. I was not looking forward to reliving this,” Tim added. “There is nothing left to say. There is nothing left to talk about. Do the work. Be Better. Grow. Move in peace but always be willing to defend yourself and the ones you love.”