Memes Shipping Brandon & Serene On Bachelor In Paradise
My! Heart!
Bachelor In Paradise is full of ups and downs, especially as the end of the season draws near and the stakes get even higher. Fans are bracing themselves for more breakups and heartaches, and that can be tough to watch. Luckily, though, there’s one steadfast couple in Season 8 of BIP who fans know they can always count on to help them believe in love. Brandon Jones and Serene Russell have been basically attached at the hip since Day One of Paradise, and these memes shipping them show just how much Bachelor Nation loves their love.
In the Nov. 14 episode of BIP, Brandon was especially upset after Eliza Isichei broke up with his good friend Rodney Mathews. The Eliza-Rodney breakup left everyone on the beach shook, but Brandon was especially upset watching his friend lose his chance at love. All that Rodney drama helped Brandon appreciate his relationship with Serene even more, if that was even possible. Serene comforted Brandon as he told her, “You are the most beautiful thing in this dark place.” With a strong statement like that, it’s clear Brandon and Serene are in it for the long haul. Fans on Twitter are here to fully support them.
The sweet moment between Brandon and Serene made it clear just how strong their relationship is, and it also helped convince fans just how strong the friendship between Brandon and Rodney is. Sometimes BIP is just as much about the friendships formed as it is about the romantic relationships, and it looks like Brandon is lucky enough to have gotten both out of this season.
Brandon may love Rodney, but the main focus of his attention still is (and has always been, since the beginning of the season) Serene. “I’m never gonna wake up and feel any different,” Brandon told Serene has he told her how much he loves and appreciates her.
There are a lot of questions in the air as the BIP Season 8 finale approaches, but one thing is clear: Bachelor Nation has major heart eyes for Brandon and Serene.
Season 8 of Bachelor In Paradise airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.