5 The Midnight Club Easter Eggs To Look Out For
If you pay attention, you can spot some Haunting and Midnight Mass fan-faves.
For Mike Flanagan superfans, a new horror series is more than just another heartbreaking ghost story — it’s also a treasure trove of hidden winks and nods to the horror auteur’s growing cinematic universe. Although The Midnight Club is a pretty notable departure for a Flanagan series, skewing younger and trading supernatural scares for more somber real-world musings, it’s still got that ghostly, hauntingly beautiful core that connects it to The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass. Naturally, the new series is also filled with subtle shoutouts to those series — so here are the Midnight Club easter eggs you might have missed.
Although Flanagan’s universe of Netflix horror series have yet to substantially overlap, his fans know to look for easter eggs connecting each show. The most obvious is always Flanagan’s favored group of actors, who appear in different roles in many of his shows. For The Midnight Club, Midnight Mass breakouts Igby Rigney and Annarah Cymone take center stage as two members of the main cast. Fellow Midnight Mass returnees include Samantha Sloyan and Zach Gilford, who play the mysterious Shasta and good-humored nurse Mark, respectively. Flanagan also brought back his Bly Manor and Midnight Mass fave Rahul Kohli to star in one episode of the new series.
Those returning cast members are super easy for fans to pick out, but there are a few other Flanagan-verse cameos that even the biggest superfans probably didn’t catch.
1. Carla Gugino, Kate Siegel, & Hamish Linklater’s Incredibly Subtle Cameos
There’s a pretty good chance you totally missed a trio of Flanagan-verse faves who made subtle cameos in The Midnight Club. Both Carla Gugino and Kate Siegel continue their Flanagan-verse perfect attendance records with a small voice role in Midnight Club, and Midnight Mass star Hamish Linklater returned to join in on the fun. The three actors voice the detectives on Order and Reprimand, the pun-filled Law and Order parody that Anya watches in her ghostly realm.
Previously, Gugino had a similar small voice role in Midnight Mass, which was another easter egg for diehard Haunting of Hill House and Haunting of Bly Manor fans.
2. The Lasser Glass
One of Flanagan’s most well-known easter eggs makes its return in The Midnight Club. The supernatural mirror from the director’s 2013 film Oculus can be spotted in Brightcliffe’s basement in Episode 6.
The Lasser Glass has popped up in many Flanagan productions since its introduction in Oculus. It also had brief appearances in The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor, as well as popping up in the movies Ouija: Origin of Evil, Gerald’s Game, and Doctor Sleep.
3. A Hill House Callback
Some of the Flanagan-verse’s most poignant quotes are so iconic, fans will always notice them when they’re repeated. Ilonka’s musing that in the end, that we’re all stories, paraphrases Olivia Crane’s same message from Hill House.
4. Christopher Pike Tidbits
Although the main source material for The Midnight Club is Christopher Pike’s 1994 novel of the same name, which is also about a group of terminally ill teens who form a storytelling collective, the actual ghost stories each member tells come straight from other Pike novels. Kevin’s story is adapted from 1993’s The Wicked Heart, Sandra’s is 1988’s Gimme a Kiss, Amesh’s is 1990’s See You Later, Ilonka’s is 1990’s Witch, Natsuki’s is 1993’s Road to Nowhere, and Spence’s is 1993’s The Eternal Enemy. Only Anya’s story, “The Two Danas,” is directly adapted from Pike’s Midnight Club novel.
5. Death, Personified
Here’s an easter egg that has yet to be found... but it is confirmed to be hidden within The Midnight Club by Flanagan himself. “You’ve met Death on the show,” the showrunner told TVLine. “The personification of Death has appeared on the show, but it’s not what you think.”
That’s right — one of the characters on The Midnight Club is secretly the personification of death. So, who could it be? Is there even more to Shasta/Julia Jayne than she’s revealed just yet? Is that Dr. Stanton’s twisted secret? Or maybe Kevin really *is* too good to be true. This is one easter egg that fans are going to have to keep hunting and hope a potential Season 2 will finally provide an answer for.