Millie Bobby Brown Doesn't Think Nancy & Steve Should Be Together — Here's Why
Stancy shippers, look away!
Millie Bobby Brown has officially entered the Stranger Things ship wars, revealing her hot take about the show’s back-and-forth love triangle. As the sci-fi hit approaches its final season, fans have divided themselves into two rival factions: Team Jancy (those who want Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler to end up together) and Team Stancy (those who think Nancy actually belongs with Steve Harrington). Well, now Brown has chosen her side, and her thoughts on the Nancy-Jonathan-Steve love triangle will definitely polarize Stranger Things fans even more.
Brown let her shipping allegiance be known during her Vanity Fair lie detector test interview on Nov. 10. Thanks to the unique interview style, Brown has no choice but to be completely honest when asked if she thinks Steve and Nancy belong together. “No,” she bluntly replied. She went on to admit that she think Nancy should end up with Jonathan. “Because he’s kind,” Brown explained. “And he might just need a little bit more time to grow into himself as a man.”
Brown’s caveat is likely a reference to Jonathan’s Season 4 arc, which saw him becoming more detached and apathetic after leaving Hawkins and shrugging off his college decision. Though they remained a long-distance couple, the recent season kept Jonathan and Nancy apart for the bulk of the run, and Nancy instead grew much closer with her ex Steve. Though she broke up with Steve in Season 1 because of his arrogance, Nancy seemed to notice a huge change in him by the end of Season 4, which many fans took as foreshadowing a potential rekindling of their relationship in Season 5.
But Brown is not one of those fans. Perhaps it’s her inner Eleven sticking up for Mike’s big bro, but Brown is fully Team Jancy.
That wasn’t the only Stranger Things hot take Brown revealed in her lie detector interview — she also echoed Maya Hawke’s controversial opinion that Season 4 should have had an even higher body count. Brown didn’t get specific about which characters she think should’ve gotten the ax, simply saying she would’ve been OK saying goodbye to anyone but Eleven.
It feels like a pretty safe bet that the fifth and final season of Stranger Things will cap things off with a ton of bloodshed, so Brown may get her wish of seeing more characters fall. However, whether Nancy chooses Jonathan or Steve (or Robin? or no one?) is still anyone’s guess.