Mindy From 'Drake & Josh' Is A Total Bombshell Now
Prepare to create an unbreakable and everlasting crush on Allison Scagliotti, aka Mindy from “Drake & Josh.”
The aging of actors is a weird concept to think about because, for the most part, people who stars on a show we watch as a child will in our minds always be remembered as the way they were in that show.
To this day, whenever someone tells me Ron Howard directed a film, I'm always like, “Which studio gave Richie Cunningham a budget?!?! Is Potsie the DP?!?!”
Hollywood isn't a timeless enclave in the heart of Los Angeles and cosmetic surgeons are more restorative architects than magicians, IFYAKNOWWHATIMEAN.
One of those shows is easily “Drake & Josh.”
As much as Drake and Josh IRL have grown older and moved their careers to whatever it is they do now ("The Wackness," right? That was a movie with Josh, right?), I will never not see them as those two brothers forced to interact on a sound stage in some studio somewhere.
This isn't about them, though. I'd like to focus on a lesser remembered, but incredibly pivotal, character in the "Drake & Josh"-verse.
Josh's on-again-off-again GF Mindy.
Mindy grew up, just like the rest of us, and holy eff are you going to divorce/breakup/legally separate yourself from whatever wife/GF/Mother of Your Child Who You're Just Trying to Make it Work With the second you check out Allison Scagliotti's Instagram.
We're hardly worthy.
Since "Drake & Josh," Allison has been carving out a solid sci-fi-based career for herself, finding roles on "Stitchers" and "Warehouse 13."
She's also BONKERS funny. I'll never love any other woman.
Allison -- as a complete stranger I mean this in the least creepy way possible -- marry me... or like, let me buy you a coffee or chicken sandwich sometime?