Remember When? 6 Unforgettable Moments From MTV VMA History
The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) will air this Sunday, August 30, and in case you didn't hear about it already, Miley Cyrus will be the host. Now, if her "Wrecking Ball" music video or choice of Instagram photos are any indicator, we should expect nothing short of a jaw-dropping and meme-worthy event.
At the end of the day, isn't that what the VMAs are all about? Disagree? Here are some moments to remember from previous years:
1. Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke
Since we're talking about Miley, let's start with her. Just two years ago at the 2013 Video Music Awards, Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke performed their smash hits, "We Can't Stop" and "Blurred Lines," together on stage. It was during this performance we all learned what rhymed with hug me: a foam finger and twerking.
Miley's twerking all over Mr. Thicke was the talk of the town, and many speculated it was what brought his then-wife, Paula Patton, to file for divorce.
Although, if you ask me, I would say it was his choice in that Beetlejuice outfit.
2. Madonna And Britney Spears
At the 2003 VMAs, Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera all performed "Like A Virgin" and "Hollywood." If you watch carefully, Madonna and Christina totally kissed. Right after, Madonna kissed Britney too.
It was all part of the choreography of some drunken college virgin, right? I guess they locked lips for like two seconds longer than they should have, and everyone went berserk. But, that's how Madonna maintains her youth: by kissing the young.
And, I mean, hello! "It's Britney, bitch!"
3. Lady Gaga
In the words of Miley Cyrus, "I can't be tamed!" But apparently, Lady Gaga can.
When was the last time she did something that made us turn our heads? Not lately, and that's probably because Taylor Kinney has tamed the beast.
How dare I call her a "beast?" Well, at the 2010 VMAs, Lady Gaga accepted the award for Video of The Year dressed head to toe in raw meat. Talk about being caught in a "Bad Romance."
4. Diana Ross and Lil' Kim
Back in 1999, before the Y2K bug scare and Nicki Minaj, there was Lil' Kim. And in true Lil' Kim fashion, she came to the MTV Video Music Awards wearing an outrageous purple outfit that exposed one of her boobs. Well, it was covered in a pasty. (Fashion, people.)
Anyway, everyone was talking about this outfit. But when Lil' Kim and Mary J. Blige introduced Diana Ross on stage, Mrs. Ross gave Lil' Kim's not-so-little friend a jiggle on the podium. Nice!
5. Beyoncé
Speaking of divas, at the 2011 VMAs, Beyoncé revealed her baby bump to the audience. As she was performing her song, "Love On Top," she looked to the crowd and confirmed her pregnancy rumors by declaring, "I want you to feel the love growing inside of me."
Yes, Beyoncé, we felt it!
And we are more than willing to cast our votes for you in this upcoming 2016 presidential election. Slay, Queen! Slay!
6. Kanye West and Taylor Swift
Remember when Taylor Swift was given the award for the 2009 Best Female Video? No? Oh, right.
That's because everyone only remembers Kanye parading onto the stage to let her know the award really should have gone to Beyoncé for "Single Ladies," which he deemed "one of the best videos of all time."
The "Imma let you finish..." meme lives on the Internet to this day.
Later during the show, Beyoncé won Video of the Year, and she invited Taylor back onstage to finish her acceptance speech. It just goes to show you Beyoncé really is the Queen Bee.
(She really just should have won all the awards. Bey, thanks for always inspiring us to "be the 'Yonce you wish to see in the world.")