Ted Lasso Fans Are All Hating On Nate After That Season 2 Finale Twist
The Nate hate is so real.
Ted Lasso gained a reputation as a feel-good show in its hopeful first season, but it flipped the script in Season 2. With a new focus on mental health, the second season took a few unexpectedly dark turns, but the darkest twist of all came from a character nobody would have suspected last season. After the season’s final episode aired on Friday, Oct. 8, angry tweets about Nate’s betrayal in the Ted Lasso Season 2 finale flooded the internet, confirming the show finally has a true villain.
Spoiler alert: This post contains spoilers from Ted Lasso Season 2, Episode 12, “Inverting the Pyramid of Success.” Back in Season 1, Nate Shelley was the lovable equipment manager with an impressive knowledge of football. Ted Lasso took a liking to him and promoted him to assistant coach, welcoming him into his inner circle of Diamond Dogs. It seemed like Nate would be the last person to ever go bad, but as Season 2 progressed, it became clearer and clearer that Nate the Great was taking a very dark turn. After earning heaps of praise from AFC Richmond fans for calling a game-winning play, the glory went to Nate’s head and he began ridiculing certain players and the new equipment manager.
But his ultimate betrayal came at the end of the season. Reporter Trent Crimm revealed to Ted that Nate was the source for an article about his panic attack mid-game. When Ted and Nate finally had a moment alone together in the finale, Nate angrily accused Ted of neglecting him. The final moment of the season saw Nate defecting from AFC Richmond and joining the rival West Ham team as a coach. Since West Ham is owned by Rebecca’s ex-husband Rupert, this is a betrayal on multiple levels, and sets up an even more villainous arc for Nate next season.
Obviously, Nate’s turn from a humble sweetheart to a power-hungry defector was a big blow to Ted Lasso fans, who didn’t hold back their emotions on Twitter.
Due to all the attention his character was getting, actor Nick Mohammed took some time to fully explain Nate’s devolution in a lengthy Twitter note. Mohammed’s message points out tons of tiny details that were meant to be clues to Nate’s dark turn, as well as going into his thought processes in respect to Nate’s motivation.
Mohammed also shared that he doesn’t think Nate will be redeemed anytime soon, so get ready for an incredibly heated Season 3, Ted Lasso fans.