
Nick Jonas Tells Hilarious Story Of When He Got A Boner On The Red Carpet

by Eitan Levine

Hey, bros. Pour one out for fellow bro Nick Jonas, whose broner was probably more embarrassing than any boner you've ever brone'd.

Think back to the worst unintentional boner you've ever had. It probably won't take long because that boner undoubtedly led to a traumatizing life event that you likely won't ever forget.

It maybe happened at a school dance or in gym class or, if you're my high school friend Gavriel, during a wrestling meet at a national wrestling tournament in the semi-finals in front of easily 400 people.

Unintentional boners, aka NARBs (no apparent reason boners), are easily the worst part of being a dude. You can't control them, and they never come at an OK time. You never get a NARB at a “Who Can Get A Boner The Fastest” competition. It's always only at a time when having a boner is the WORST.

Nick Jonas knows this more than all of us, and his NARB story is terrifying.

I will never sleep again just at the thought this may happen to me, and I'm not a famous solo singer frequently going on red carpets.

Citations: Its horrible Nick Jonas recalls lasting effects of edible marijuana he ate on eve of awards hosting duty on The Tonight Show (Daily Mail)