14 Times North West and Penelope Disick Gave Us Best Friend Goals (Photos)
by Katie Corvino
Cousins really do make the best friends.
I'd like to argue North West and Penelope Disick are the cutest cousins around. Whether they're rocking matching tutus or going on Disneyland adventures, North and Penelope are literally inseparable.
There's just something awesome about being related to your BFF. I mean, they share the same family. How could you get any closer than that?
Below, check out 14 times North and Penelope gave us #BFFgoals. They're adorable on their own, but together they're just perfect.
1. There was that time Penelope held North in her arms like two seconds after she was born.
2. And there was every time they hung out in their PJs together, giving zero f*cks.
3. They killed it on Halloween with their matching costumes. Skunks have never looked cuter.
4. It's impossible to watch this clip and not be jealous of their epic playdate with Aunt Koko.
5. Just look at them chilling on this playground eating snacks. It's goals AF.
6. There was also that time they sat on the kitchen counter, icing their feet and causing trouble. They're just so mischievous.
7. But they're also magical, and so is their friendship. Remember that time they dressed up like mermaids? LOOK AT THEIR MATCHING TOP KNOTS.
8. How about when they were Ana and Elsa from "Frozen," can you handle the cuteness?
9. This is easily the most important Instagram photo of all time. They look like little angels soaring through the Sistine Chapel.
10. LOOK AT THEM HUGGING AND SMILING. They love each other so much, OK?!?!
11. They know each other better than they know themselves. "She just gets me," North probably was thinking in this pic.
12. They may as well be the same person since they share a soul.
13. And they also have the same friends. Even their shadows are holding hands.
14. Plain and simple, cousins are the best friends. There's no greater family vacay than dragging your mamas to Disney. HOPE IT WAS FUN, KIM AND KOURTNEY.
Goals man, goals.