Olivia Fans Can't Access Sour Tour Tickets, So They're Dragging Ticketmaster
The waitlist is brutal.
Fans knew trying to get Olivia Rodrigo concert tickets was going to be hard, but they didn’t expect it to be this brutal. When her Sour tour went on sale on Friday, Dec. 10, thousands of people shared on Twitter they received error messages that prevented them from being able to purchase tickets. They guessed it was due to the overwhelming demand to see Rodrigo on tour. Fans’ tweets about the ticketing process will make you so frustrated, especially since this isn’t the first time Ticketmaster has crashed when tickets for big artists have gone on sale.
Earlier this year, the website also went down when pre-sale tickets for Bad Bunny’s El Último Tour del Mundo went live on April 15. More recently, Ticketmaster crashed when BTS’ four Permission to Dance On Stage concerts in Los Angeles went on sale on Oct. 5. Now, it’s unfortunately happened again with Rodrigo’s highly-anticipated Sour tour, which marks the singer’s first-ever headlining tour.
Fans thought Rodrigo’s tour would consist of big arenas, so when they found out she would be performing in ballrooms, theaters, and other small venues instead, they knew it was going to be difficult trying to get tickets to see her. They were proved right when many experienced errors during the ticketing process that resulted in them losing their place in line and not being able to purchase tickets.
“When I was about to be able to buy olivia tickets and ticketmaster said ‘sorry, an error occurred’ when it was my turn and made me rejoin the queue,” a fan tweeted.
“I was literally next in line in the queue and ticketmaster had the audacity to say error something went wrong,” another wrote.
“logged into ticket master this morning at 8:00 and right as the ten minute before mark happened ticket master refreshed and ‘500 | Internal Error’ SIS IF I DONT GET TIX NOW IMA BE MAD MAD,” another fan tweeted.
So many fans dragged Ticketmaster for not being able to buy tickets.
Hopefully, Rodrigo adds more dates to her Sour tour so those who couldn’t get tickets this time can try again another day.