Here Are All The Only Murders In The Building Season 2 Suspects
At least, based on the first two episodes.
Warning: Spoilers for Only Murders In The Building Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2 follow. Half the fun of murder mysteries is following along and theorizing whodunit. For Hulu’s Only Murders In The Building, the podcast within a show has characters theorizing about who the suspects should be while the viewer judges how right (or, in most cases, wrong) they are. For Only Murders In The Building Season 2, there is a mix of old and new suspects, all of whom have motives.
Here’s a rundown of what fans know about the case:
The victim is Bunny Folger, Arconia board president and enemy of the OMITB podcast. Her body was staged to look like Mabel did it, perhaps with Oliver and Charles helping. She was dressed in an Only Murders fan hoodie, and her body was found in Mabel’s apartment on the 12th floor. (Bunny’s apartment is also on 12.) At first glance, the body looked like someone stabbed it with a knitting needle multiple times, but further examination indicates the deadly wounds were made by a knife; the needle ones were just for decoration.
Bunny’s last words were “14” and “Savage.” That might sound like she’s accusing Charles (who lives on the 14th floor and has the last name Savage), but “Savage” could also refer to Charles’ father. A painting featuring the elder Savage by artist Rose Cooper disappeared from Bunny’s apartment and wound up in Charles’. Rose was one of the elder Savage’s lovers, as was Bunny’s mother (and rightful owner of the painting), Leonora. Charles’ father was at Rose’s apartment when her body was discovered decades ago, but the case was never solved.
Phew! And with that information, here’s who could be to blame for Bunny’s passing (at least for now), from least to most suspicious.
Charles-Haden Savage
The most obvious answer is never the actual person who did the deed, so Charles goes to the bottom of the list. However, the evidence keeps piling up. Bunny was going to have him evicted. His career needed a boost. The painting is in his apartment; his dad is in the image. His dad slept with Rose Cooper and Bunny’s mother, cheating on Charles’ mom in the process. Charles also had terrible memories of his father’s arrest after Rose’s body was found and being left like on a bench for hours and hours by his dad while Savage Senior was hooking up. There’s a lot to be angry about, but angry enough to actually act on it? Probs not.
Nina, The New Board President
Fellow Arconia resident Howard said Nina wanted to take Bunny’s position for a long time. He also said if the OMITB podcasters didn’t like Bunny, Nina would be worse. She sounds like someone who would go a little Frank Underwood for political gain, and therefore is worth keeping an eye on.
Uma Heller
The primary carryover Arconia resident suspect from Season 1, Uma was Bunny’s best friend; she also coveted the painting that went missing from Bunny’s home. She also hates the podcasters and takes every opportunity to point out their possible guilt. Her giving them Bunny’s bird also seems suspicious, though it could provide more answers to the mystery in future episodes.
Sazz Pataki
Like with so many mysteries, the real question is who has something to gain from Bunny’s passing and/or the podcast getting a new case and a Season 2. Charles’ stunt double (hilariously played by Jane Lynch) isn’t in the first two episodes, but with Charles getting brought back as Brazzos in the reboot after Bunny’s body turns up, she’s got work again. Pataki also didn’t get much to do in the OMITB podcast’s first case; staging Bunny’s passing to get a second (maybe more significant) appearance in Season 2 could be a motivator.
Alice Banks
Alice might seem like a stretch at first glance. However, her behavior toward Mabel is suspicious. Keep in mind, Rose Cooper was an artist, and Alice is involved in the art world. If Rose’s painting is as central to the case as it appears to be, anyone with art world ties (especially those quickly working to get close to Mabel) should be regarded with suspicion.
That said, there is an alternate explanation for Alice’s sus behavior: She could be cozying up to Mabel because she’s angling for fame. However, until her motives become clearer, she has to be considered one to watch.
Leonora Folger
Bunny’s mother taking out her daughter might seem cruel, but Leonora didn’t seem too bothered that her only child was gone. She seemed more interested in finding the painting than catching whoever did in her daughter. However, as the podcasters noted, she’s not physically strong, so chances are, if Leonora is behind it, there’s likely an accomplice too.
Also, it should not be lost on anyone that Leonora comes off as an emotionally cold woman, telling Charles about sleeping with his father like she was telling him it would rain later that afternoon. She goes on the suspect board.
Oliver Putnam
Oliver might feel as obvious an answer as Charles and therefore dismissible. However, unlike Charles, Oliver has more to lose and a more cutthroat sense of desperation. That means he has a stronger driving motivator to go through with something like this.
Bunny had been after Oliver’s eviction for years. He needed the podcast to continue more than either Charles or Mabel, which meant needing a new case. And he has something to prove: Oliver Putnam can get arrested in this town. If that’s what he was after by setting up Bunny’s body, at least he succeeded.
Cinda Canning
Of the OMITB podcasters, Mabel is the only one viewers know is innocent, because finding Bunny was seen from her POV, so she’s off this list. Getting back to the “Who stands to benefit” angle, let’s ask, who would benefit the very most from setting Mabel up as the primary suspect, taking out Charles and Oliver as collateral damage?
The answer to that is Cinda Canning, the queen of true crime podcasting, whose reign is threatened by Mabel’s upstart ideas. Also, her new Only Murderers In The Building podcast sounded like it was bound and determined to find Mabel guilty. Projecting much?
Only Murders In The Building Season 2 continues with new episodes weekly streaming every Tuesday on Hulu.