Will There Be An 'Orange Is The New Black' Season 6? Here's What We Know
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the Season 5 finale of 'Orange is the New Black.' Seriously, do not read this if you care about spoilers.
So, you've either finished bingeing the newest season of Orange is the New Black, or you're just really impatient and don't care about spoilers.
Either way, you should know that yet again, this show has left us with another dang cliffhanger.
Of course, you've done the only logical thing left to do: Google if/when Season 6 of Orange is the New Black will premiere.
Well, folks, I'm happy to tell you your Googling has paid off because I can definitively tell you yes, there will indeed be a Season 6 of Orange is the New Black.
In fact, not only will there be a Season 6, there'll be a Season 7, too. Back in early 2016, Netflix blessed showrunner Jenji Kohan with an impressive three-season renewal, meaning we're guaranteed OITNB through Season 7.
Assuming the next two seasons follow the same pattern of the first five, the premiere dates will be in the summer of 2018 and 2019 respectively.
So don't worry: You'll definitely find out whether or not the police open fire on our girls standing their ground at Litchfield. (Historically, this has been how a lot of big prison riots have come to their gruesome end, unfortunately.)
Of course, the police have already murdered Piscatella, so maybe they'll be slightly less trigger-happy.
Also, there's the fact there wouldn't be much of a show without Suzanne, Cindy, Frieda, Taystee, Red, Mendoza, Alex, and Piper.
It feels safe to assume we'll get to see the aftermath of the riot in Season 6. Whether or not the Litchfield inmates will see their demands for better prison conditions remains to be seen – but it's not looking great for our girls.
(Did anyone else cry when they separated Maritza and Flaca? Because I definitely cried.)
We'll find out next year when Season 6 premieres — but something tells me we'll end that season with more questions than answers. Again.