Rand Is Seeing Some "Karma" Of His Own In The Next Pam & Tommy Promo
IDK how he ever thought he'd get away with this.
Pam & Tommy’s sixth episode was the shortest one to date, and honestly, that was probably a blessing. As one of the roughest parts of the story — Pamela Anderson’s humiliation at the hands of lawyers as part of the lawsuit — keeping it short and sweet was probably for the best. But the Pam & Tommy Episode 7 promo promises things aren’t about to get easier for her or for Tommy Lee, even as they struggle to keep the tape from being the thing that destroys their relationship.
Warning: Spoilers for Pam & Tommy Episode 6 follow. Episode 6, “Pamela in Wonderland,” wasn’t just about the deposition, even if that was the heart of the episode. The show also flashed back to the 1980s and recreated Pamela’s journey from a small-town Canadian girl from British Columbia to Los Angeles. (She took her mom with her as a chaperone to the Playboy Mansion!)
The episode also arrived with a twist: Pam is pregnant again. (This is vaguely timeline-correct; her older son with Tommy Lee, Brandon Thomas, was born in mid-1996.) The realization of her condition hit her, and the specter of her miscarriage wasn’t far from her mind. So, Pam decided all the questioning was unacceptable. She walked out and refused to do another meeting ever again.
Up ahead, Pam & Tommy Episode 7 is the series’ penultimate episode, titled “Destroyer of Worlds.” The title refers to Rand, the man who destroyed Pam and Tommy’s world. The synopsis promises this will be the week when the big confrontation happens: “Tommy confronts Rand in the Dodger Stadium parking lot.”
In The Rolling Stone story the series used as its primary source, Rand Gauthier famously said of Tommy Lee, “I made his career, is what happened.” The tape cemented Tommy Lee’s legacy of a conqueror of women and produced visual evidence of the claims of the legendary size of his anatomy. Whether or not the script has Seth Rogan say this line as part of the episode is still unknown, but if he does, fans shouldn’t be surprised.
Pam & Tommy continues with new episodes arriving every Wednesday on Hulu.